Dads and Dialogue
Families First
Dads & Dialogues is a 1.5 hour long group that meets for five sessions. In this group dads come together to connect about the experience of fatherhood. Session topics are centered around Dr. John Sommers-Flanagan’s research and work involving parental power dynamics and the Parent Influence Model (PIM). Dads will learn about and explore the different ways that their power influence affects the family system. Dads will learn about and explore the different ways that their power influences affect the family system. Free dinner and childcare provided.
“It’s helpful to know that other dads are out there having a tough time too. It helped put things in perspective.”
“Dads & Dialogues made me feel connected and think about my identity as a father. My daughter loved coming and playing with other kids.”
Space is limited and registration is required at:
- Sep 11 2024
- 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
- Families First Classroom
- Level Two, Missoula Public Library, 455 E. Main St, Missoula, MT
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