Our mission: maintain a citizens’ association devoted to libraries; focus public attention on the Missoula Public Library, its branches, and their needs; increase Library capacity and services; and enrich the cultural lives of Missoula area citizens with community events and activities.


Welcome new Friends Board members!

Elaine Carmichael
Suzette Jensen
Myra Lynch

Montana Book Award

The Friends of MPL established The Montana Book award in 2002 to honor books by Montana authors or set in Montana. To find out more, including this year’s winners visit The Montana Book Award website

Summer Reading Book Sale

Summer Reading Book Sale begins June 20 and will continue through July. All books in The Friends first floor sales area will be 3 for $1

How to Donate

Gifts can be sent to: Friends of the Library at 455 E. Main St, Missoula, MT 59802

Board Members

President: Barbara Theroux

Member: Alice Daily

Member: Kristina Hurley

Member: Nora Morris

Member: Minie Smith

Member: Lois Welch

What We Do

The Friends of the Library provided the seed money for and continues to support the library’s growing Book Kit collection. Perfect for book groups, these discussion kits include 10 copies of a title, plus discussion questions, author information, reviews, and more! Learn more about Book Kits

Creativebug is the number one inspirational resource for DIY, crafters and makers. Creativebug.com has thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists. With your library card, you can stream online art & craft classes at home or in the library.

In July 1998 the Friends developed and sponsored the Library’s Reach Out! Project. Staff and volunteers make visits to senior residence homes bringing library materials to individuals who may have difficulty visiting the Library. The result is new library users, books in the hands of readers, and a renewed commitment to all Missoula residents.

The Friends of the Missoula Public Library are pleased to announce the creation of the Montana Book Award. Begun in 2002, this annual award recognizes literary and/or artistic excellence in a book published during the year. Eligible titles will be set in Montana, deal with Montana themes or issues, or be written, edited, or illustrated by a Montana author or artist. Books for all ages will be considered for the award. MPL’s Tony Veazey Montana Room houses a permanent collection of the award-winning titles. Visit the Montana Book Award website.

Second Wednesday Book Group
Summer Reading Program
Poetry workshops
Children’s and young adult programs
Large type books
Library book gabs
Remote book drops
Special events
Staff celebrations
National Library Week events
Montana Book Award
Lawyers for Libraries
Missoula Reads
Volunteer celebrations
Staff room improvements

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